Our Origin Story

Long, long ago there was a girl… a girl who wanted to play basketball. A girl who dreamed about building life long friendships with other like minded girls playing the sport that she loved. She had watched her brother build these friendships doing just that over several years and wanted so badly to have the same opportunity. Her brother, very thankful for the friendships he had built, still found himself wanting more. He was looking for the chance to improve, the chance to be the player he knew could be if given the extra time and attention.

Not able to find either of these things within their community, they turned to those who they knew would lead them in the right direction… their family. Together they decided that the best plan was to destroy the existing norms, using their passion for the game and love for one another to build something new. Something that supported not only them but other who shared in their passion for something more, something new and something that would include their hopes and dreams.

In their search for ways to create something new they decided to break it all down and rebuild their concept into an entirely new system, never seen before. As fierce as fire and flame the Lava Mermaids rose from the volcanic ash… an inclusive, holistic basketball club was formed. Where everyone is welcome, everyone is respected and all individuals have control over their own destiny.

We are fierce creatures who will not let others hold us back, who will not let others tell us we are not good enough, we are a family where we care for and respect each athlete.

Welcome to the Lava Mermaids Basketball Club, where the friends and relationships forged in the volcano are carried throughout life!